Home Products BISOL


BISOL is a special, low-viscosity, biodegradable release agent designed for separation of asphalt mixtures.

Industry Performance Standards

    ISO VG 10, ISO 6743: ISO-L-B

    Areas of Application

    BISOL is specifically developed for use in asphalt separation across all levels of asphalt production, transportation and road application. BISOL provides extremely easy release properties and protection to used tools and equipment. Thanks to modern additives BISOL minimises creation of an aerosol and therefore lowers release agent usage, particularly in applications by pressure spraying equipment. BISOL is also suitable for use in separation of concrete mixtures, production of concrete prefabricates and general concrete applications in construction sector.

Characteristic features:

  • Low viscosity release agent creating long lasting oil film of 60-80 m2/kg;
  • Universal applicability;
  • Readily biodegradable, environmentally considerate product;
  • Lower aerosol creation (of 30% and more compared to the usual release agents)
  • Use of BISOL does not affect technical parameters of asphalt or concrete mixtures;


Biodegradability in 28 days >60%
Kin. viscosity at 40 °C The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. 12-14 cSt
Density at 15 °C 880-910 kg/m3
Flash point >160 °C
Pour Point The pour point of a liquid is the temperature below which the liquid loses its flow characteristics. <-10 °C

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Pack size

Pack size  10L container10L container

Pack size  20 L container20 L container

Pack size  60 L drum60 L drum

Pack size  Drum 205LDrum 205L

Pack size  IBC 1000LIBC 1000L

Pack size  24 000 LITERS24 000 LITERS